
Classes in introductory and advanced Latin paleography are offered most years through the Classics Department and taught at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.  Introductory Latin paleography is offered by Ray Clemens in the fall (CLSS401/CLSS601) (odd years) and Advanced Manuscript Studies (CLSS 601 01 / MDVL 571 01with a focus on vernacular hands, is taught in the spring of alternate years (even years).

Classes are also offered at the Beinecke Library through the Rare Book School and are taught in the early summer. Ray Clemens teaches H-20. The Book in the Manuscript Era.  

In the past, Master classes have focused on Arabic paleography (2019) and we hope to offer additional languages once COVID has subsided.  We have also sponsored Musical Notation Bootcamp, a joint project between Cornell and Yale University.  For more information, contact Anna Zayaruznaya.